The energy consumption and climate emissions of buildings are enormous. Up to half of the annual heating energy of residential apartment buildings goes down the drain with the warm service water alone. This wasted energy can be recovered and utilized with the Ecowec hybrid inverter.
Wastewater Heat Recovery – a previously untapped source of waste energy – is the most cost-effective way to reduce energy consumption in buildings and improve the energy rating of a property up to class A.
Ecowec Hybrid Exchanger can be connected to both new and renovation properties as well as almost all common heating systems, enhancing their performance and efficiency.
Harnessing the power of wastewater heat recovery is the prime way to significantly reduce your building's energy footprint.
The Ecowec® hybrid exchanger can be seamlessly integrated into industrial processes or steam lines to capture waste heat, operating as an independent device. This waste heat is then either channeled back into the process or utilized for building heating passively and even without any electrical consumption.
The hybrid exchanger is connected to a heat pump, which collects and recycles the energy lost in waste water or in the process back to the use of the property or industrial process, and thus reduces the need for new purchased energy. The heat pump enhances heat recovery and expands the number of applications by raising the recycled energy to the desired temperature level.
The power and yield, as well as efficiency, of the buildings' energy pole system can be increased by adding an Ecowec hybrid switch to the system. In addition, it can replace several tens of energy poles, so that despite the investment, the total costs of the system will not increase.
The efficiency of geothermal systems can be improved by adding an Ecowec hybrid exchanger, which raises the temperature of the geothermal solution, improves the efficiency of the heat pump, and reduces the electricity consumption of the heat pump. The hybrid exchanger can replace several geothermal wells, so the geothermal system can also be installed on a small plot of land.
In new apartment buildings, the purchase energy of the district heating system can be reduced by up to 50%, when the waste water heat is recycled back to heating the property and hot water. In a district heating property, the hybrid exchanger is connected to a heat pump, which reduces the peak power of district heating and the need for purchased energy.
The energy output, power, and efficiency of an exhaust air heat pump can be increased by adding the Ecowec® hybrid exchanger to the system. By combining two waste heat sources, the purchased energy of the property's primary heating system, such as district heating, natural gas, or oil heating, can be reduced.